Note Vault

Privacy Policy


Welcome to Note Vault! This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand Privacy matters in relation to using the Application "Note Vault" hence forward may be referenced by entities ("App", "App Note Vault", "Application", "Note Vault", "Note Vault Application"). The Developer/Vendor of said App TheOilyGooseStudio will be referenced by entities ("Our", "We", "Developer").

It is not our intention to collect, use or disclose the information you enter into this App at your discretion. However we will detail how information is protected once entered into this App. We want to make it clear that we do not collect data, advertise, or share data with third parties.

Please take a moment to read this Privacy Policy and familiarize yourself with its content. By using the Note Vault Application on your device, you are consenting to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

The Aim of this App is to store "Notes" and or a single "Note" securley. What a "Note" is or set of "Notes" is something you might store or write down on your "default mobile notes application", said default application might not have a lock screen or additional password to access it whereas Note Vault does have that additional access control.

What personal information do we collect?


Note Vault does not collect personal information nor do we suggest you enter Personal Information into the App. You may choose at your own discretion to Save personal information in the Note Vault App but that is where your information will stay within your Phones local storage encrypted within the Note Vault App data and or files within your phone relating to Note Vault's installation completley offline localised to the device you install it on.

There are no plans to collect any information entered in this App in the future or ever. The Goal of this application is to help you store your notes securley and as an option over your phones default Notes app.

How do we collect personal information?

We don't

How do we use personal information?

We don't

How do we Safeguard your personal information?

We don't suggest you enter your personal information.

Should you choose at your discretion to enter personal information within the Notes of the App or any information it will be encrypted.

Who do we share your personal information with?

We do not share your information nor have future plans to share it. The goal of this application is a simple offline secure storage for notes you may have. As an alternative to a default note app that is not password protected and perhaps not encrypted.

Cross-border transfers of Personal information

We don't store personal information or send it across International or Domestic borders - your Notes are stored on your device.

Cookies or Web Tracking

We don't use Cookies within the Application "Note Vault"

How can you access or correct your personal information?

We don't suggest you enter your personal information.

Should you choose at your discretion to enter personal information you can access it by using your devices lock screen authentication or a seperate pin-code you setup for Note Vault itself.

We will have no knowledge of this information, nor a way to access or tamper with it. The application is offline and on your phone's storage only.

How can you make a Privacy complaint?

Note that this App is not Developed at an organisation it is the Product of a sole developer.

This application does not collect your information and store it externally on a database or webserver. Your data is stored on your device only - the application is "What You see is what you get"

In the event of losing access to your device there is no way to retrieve the data stored within this app. If you forget your App Specific Pin you will have to manually guess by process of elimination as the app does not lock you out based on incorrect pin attempts.

We have no way of accessing your device, your data or what is entered in the App therefore we can't assist you in the data's recovery our suggestion will be to enter your app pin in a systematic manner until you have unlocked it.

While we hope to be able to resolve any complaints you have our limitations are the above, you can also lodge a complaint with any of the following regulators relevant to your jurisdiciton:

How can you get in touch?

You can email us at